colon hydrotherapy

Frequently asked questions

We can answer any questions you have

Common questions and answers:

Q) Will it hurt? 
Colon Hydrotherapy isn’t a painful procedure, at worst you will feel slight
cramping just before a release of faecal matter or gas.

Q) Are you qualified? 
Yes all therapists at Serenity Flow are fully trained and certified to an advanced level with the Colonic Hydrotherapy Association (CHA) and I-ACT. Always check therapists' credentials as many are not qualified or have received little training.

Q) Will I be running to the toilet after I leave the clinic? 
Our treatment times are more generous than most clinics; we allow ample time between appointments so you’re clear of any loose faecal matter or water before you leave the clinic.

Q) Is it embarrassing? 
Not at all, your dignity is one of our main priorities, you are covered at all times.

Q) What should I wear? 
Anything as long as you’re comfortable.

Q) How often should I have this treatment? 
There is a life time of build up in the bowel, so if you can it's good to have a course of colonics. One is a good start but more is better at the beginning. We recommend one per week for up to three or six weeks (depending on your bowel function), then maintenance thereafter. You will know when you need your next colonic.
If you have a question about our treatments, call Serenity Flow in Surrey on
01737 850 266. 
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